Yesterday was the day I'd picked to have a chill little birthday picnic outside but it rained intermittently all day (it's been raining for over a week now) so we had it in the JCR instead. When I came back I did a bit of reading, or tried to, while Gabriel napped, and then watched a movie before going to sleep. I woke up at 11 to a really sunny day, which is infuriating, and had cake leftovers for breakfast before going over to Skogen for a light lunch and some studying. I finished Saturday's reading, did another, and then half of another, before we went to the Anthroposphere launch, then got bubble tea and came back, and I've still not finished this reading but it's okay. It's okay. It's okay.
When I get my own place I'm going to try to keep a clear desk, and put all my necessities like stationery and books on shelves etc. so that I can periodically wipe down the surface of the desk. I just noticed earlier that my desk has some oily patches on it and when I wiped it with a tissue it was black. So that's why. But I never know how you're meant to keep a shelf, with all of the books and knicknacks on it, tidy and clean. Do those fluffy duster things actually work? How do you keep dust off? I don't know.
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